Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Earth Callling Artists

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The years keep passing by with little substantive movement among nations to pass laws that will mitigate the effects of Climate Change.  Humans seem bent on destroying themselves.  Feeling all too impotent and frustrated with the ignorance and myopia of my fellow citizens, I have decided to do two of the few things I can do.  Neither may make a difference, but I passionately believe that one must keep putting one foot in front of the other.  So I will continue to vote for those civic minded folks who want to create positive change, indeed change that may save humanity.  And with what skill, experience and talent I and colleagues can muster, The Artist’s Path will tackle Climate Change Through the Arts, exploring with Theatre, Dance, Music and Visual Art how we might change minds and encourage change that   will ultimately save us.

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Climate change art is art inspired by climate change and global warming, generally intended to overcome humans' hardwired tendency to value personal experience over data and to disengage from data-based representations by making the data "vivid and accessible".   Wickipedia on Climate Change Art

In the Fall of 2021 The Artist’s Path will partner with Climate Change Theatre Action to create a week long schedule of events that will celebrate our planet, sound once again the warnings on the horizon, and ask of ourselves and others to commit to action that will lead to braking this
 juggernaut, this aircraft carrier that is Climate Change.

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At this writing on the evening of watching the full Gibbous moon rise over Glassford Hill in the north central highlands of Arizona I call on my fellow artists and all those who are searching for a way to make a difference to send to me your ideas.  


Emall me at gailmangham@gmail.com or call 928 771 2554.  Initially we are looking for a few folks who want to help us plan and/or serve on the ‘Path’ board of directors.

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