Monday, September 28, 2009

The Power of Sand Animation from The Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine
Mykhailivskyy was famous for its priceless mosaics.
Some have been preserved in nearby Sofiyivskyy Sobor.

Please take a moment to watch this video from youtube.  I believe it illustrates so beautifully the theme of The Artist's Path in 2011--The Artist's Response to Conflict and Social Crisis.  Let me know your thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for spreading awareness of this remarkably talented artist. I have incorporated this video into a recent post to my blog.

    Your readers may also be interested in another one of my blogs in which I creatively address the changes needed in modern forms of democracy.

    Also, I should like to comment on the template chosen for The Artist's Path blog. It is the same as mine at Freedom Follies.


Civil commentary welcome...